Friday, July 20, 2007

Bothwell Castle, Scotland 6

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Bothwell Castle Scotland 5

Views from outside the castle
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Bothwell Castle, Scotland 4

So Indiana Jonesish this shot...doens't it look like a skull to you? It does to me.
Another fave shot. Canonballs found both inside and outside the castle.
Black Douglas, that was the name of the guy who owned this castle. I don't remember who he was, looks like I have some history to brush up on huh?

The windows are on what was the second floor. The ground was the bottom floor and there was a roof over it at one time. The second floor where all the windows were was at one time the grand ball room/dining room. Very cool..
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Bothwell Castle, Scotland 3

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Bothwell Castle 2

Remains of spiral staircase can be seen here next to T.
These stairs were VERY steep. I love this shot though.

I loved the windows too, I can't remember the reason they're shaped like this, they're not really windows, I think it had something to do with weaponry, but I can't remember now.
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Bothwell Castle, Scotland

By far, my favourite castle visited. I loved everything about this one, the color of the stone, the decay, the history, the architecture and structure, both present and past. This one just captured my heart. It was stunning.
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Craigmillar Castle

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